Maak een originele, grappige of mooie Nederlandse vertaling van een nummer uit de beroemde musical The West Side Story en maak niet alleen kans op kaartjes voor Walibi of dvd´s van beroemde musicals: je hertaling wordt ook nog eens gezongen door professionele zangers tijdens het concert op zaterdag 6 augustus in het Beauforthuis!
Jongeren van 12 t/m 18 jaar kunnen aan de wedstrijd meedoen
Volwassenen mogen ook insturen en ook hun hertaling maakt kans op een uitvoering, maar je kan als volwassene geen prijzen winnen.
Wat houdt de hertaalwedstrijd in?
Hieronder zie je welke nummers in aanmerking komen.
Mail je hertaling uiterlijk 31 juli 2011 naar info@achterdelinie.nl met daarbij de volgende gegevens:
- De titel van het originele liedje
- Je naam, leeftijd en telefoonnummer
- Op welke school en in welke klas je zit
Concert en prijsuitreiking:
Zaterdag 6 augustus om 20.15 uur, Beauforthuis
De beste hertalingen worden uitgevoerd door professionele zangers en een band. Als je hertaling is uitgekozen voor het concert, dan word je daarvan z.s.m. op de hoogte gebracht. Aan het einde van de avond wordt bekend gemaakt wie de beste hertalingen hebben gemaakt en in de prijzen zijn gevallen.
Bedenk ivm je vakantie dat je bij dit concert aanwezig moet zijn om je prijs in ontvangst te nemen!
Wat is hertalen?
Hertalen is een vrije vorm van vertalen. Je kunt je hierbij aan het verhaal houden, maar je mag ook een totaal andere inhoud geven aan het liedje. Belangrijk is wel dat de tekst blijft kloppen op de muziek, zodat de tekst nog steeds goed te zingen is.
Hier een voorbeeld van scholieren van het Revius en het CLZ:
Het oorspronkelijke nummer Speak Low hertaald door scholieren van het Revius Lyceum (Doorn) en het Christelijk Lyceum (Zeist)
Het origineel
(Kurt Weil/Bertold Brecht)
Speak low when you speak, love
Our summer day withers away too soon, too soon
Speak low when you speak, love
Our moment is swift, like ships adrift,
we’re swept apart, too soon
Speak low, darling, speak low
Love is a spark, lost in the dark too soon, too soon
I feel wherever I go that tomorrow is near,
tomorrow is here and always too soon
Time is so old and love so brief
Love is pure gold and time a thief
We’re late, darling, we’re late
The curtain descends, ev’rything ends too soon, too soon
I wait, darling, I wait
Will you speak low to me, speak love to me and soon
Fluister zacht
Hertaald door: Visha, Marloes, Katie en Nadine (Revius Lyceum)
Onze zomerdag vervaagt te snel, te vroeg
Fluister zacht als je praat lief
Ons moment is kort, als schepen wegvarend
We worden gescheiden, te vroeg
Fluister zacht, liefste, fluister zacht
Liefde is een vonk, vervagend in het donker, te vroeg
Ik voel dat, waar ik ook ga, dat de morgen dichtbij is
Morgen is hier en altijd te vroeg
Liefde is puur goud en tijd een dief
We zijn laat, liefste, we zijn laat
Het gordijn verdwijnt, alles eindigt te vroeg, te vroeg
Ik wacht, liefste ik wacht
Alsjeblieft, fluister zacht tegen me, fluister
Liefde aan me en snel.
Je stinktHertaald door Janneke, Tim en Jesper (CLZ)
Je stinkt uit je mond, schat.
Je ruikt naar je kat, ik ben je echt zat, echt zat.
Kijk in de spiegel, je bent echt lelijk!
Echt heel lelijk, te erg.
Je stinkt uit je mond, schat.
Je ruikt naar je kat, ik ben het echt zat, echt zat.
Het is niet meer normaal, het is gewoon banaal.
Ik houd het niet meer vol, het is echt te dol.
Houd het niet vol, samen met jou!
Liever heb ik een mooie vrouw.
Je stinkt schatje, je stinkt.
Je ruikt echt naar je kat, ben het echt zat, echt zat.
Je stinkt uit je mond schat.
Had ik nou maar een chick, die net zo rook als ik!
Welke nummers uit de West Side Story komen in aanmerking?
Jet Song
When you're a Jet,
You're a Jet all the way
From your first cigarette
To your last dyin' day.
When you're a Jet,
If the spit hits the fan,
You got brothers around,
You're a family man!
You're never alone,
You're never disconnected!
You're home with your own:
When company's expected,
You're well protected!
Then you are set
With a capital J,
Which you'll never forget
Till they cart you away.
When you're a Jet,
You stay a Jet!
Something’s Coming
Could be!
Who knows?
There's something due any day;
I will know right away,
Soon as it shows.
It may come cannonballing down through the sky,
Gleam in its eye,
Bright as a rose!
Who knows?
It's only just out of reach,
Down the block, on a beach,
Under a tree.
I got a feeling there's a miracle due,
Gonna come true,
Coming to me!
Could it be? Yes, it could.
Something's coming, something good,
If I can wait!
Something's coming, I don't know what it is,
But it is
Gonna be great!
With a click, with a shock,
Phone'll jingle, door'll knock,
Open the latch!
Something's coming, don't know when, but it's soon;
Catch the moon,
One-handed catch!
Around the corner,
Or whistling down the river,
Come on, deliver
To me!
Will it be? Yes, it will.
Maybe just by holding still,
It'll be there!
Come on, something, come on in, don't be shy,
Meet a guy,
Pull up a chair!
The air is humming,
And something great is coming!
Who knows?
It's only just out of reach,
Down the block, on a beach,
Maybe tonight . . .
Maria . . .
The most beautiful sound I ever heard:
Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria . . .
All the beautiful sounds of the world in a single word . .
Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria . . .
I've just met a girl named Maria,
And suddenly that name
Will never be the same
To me.
I've just kissed a girl named Maria,
And suddenly I've found
How wonderful a sound
Can be!
Say it loud and there's music playing,
Say it soft and it's almost like praying.
I'll never stop saying Maria!
The most beautiful sound I ever heard.
Only you, you're the only thing I'll see forever
In my eyes in my words and in everything I do
Nothing else but you
And there's nothing for me but Maria
Every sight that I see is Maria
Tony, Tony
Always you, every thought I'll ever know
Everywhere I go you'll be
All the world is only you and me
Tonight, tonight
It all began tonight
I saw you and the world went away
Tonight, tonight
There's only you tonight
What you are, what you do, what you say
Today, all day I had the feeling
A miracle would happen
I know now I was right
For here you are
And what was just a world is a star
Tonight, tonight
The world is full of light
With suns and moons all over the place
Tonight, tonight
The world is wild and bright
Going mad
Shooting sparks into space
Today, the world was just an address
A place for me to live in
No better than all right
But here you are
And what was just a world is a star
Good night, good night
Sleep well and when you dream
Dream of me
Puerto Rico
My heart's devotion
Let it sink back in the ocean
Always the hurricanes blowing
Always the population growing
And the money owing
And the sunlight streaming
And the natives steaming
I like the island Manhattan
Smoke on your pipe
And put that in!
I like to be in America
Okay by me in America
Everything free in America
For a small fee in America
Buying on credit is so nice
One look at us and they charge twice
I have my own washing machine
What will you have not to keep clean?
Skyscrapers bloom in America
Cadillacs zoom in America
Industry boom in America
Twelve in a room in America
Lots of new housing with more space
Lots of doors slamming in our face
I'll get a terrace apartment
Better get rid of your accent
Life can be bright in America
If you can fight in America
Life is all right in America
If you're a white in America
Here you are free and you have pride
Long as you stay on your own side
Free to be anything you choose
Free to wait tables and shine shoes
Everywhere grime in America
Organized crime in America
Terrible time in America
You forget I'm in America
I think I'll go back to San Juan
I know a boat you can get on
Everyone there will give big cheer!
Everyone there will have moved here
I swear the next
creep who calls me
You'll laugh. Yeah,
now you all better
dig this and dit it
good. No matter who
or what is eatin' at
you, man you show it
and you are dead.
You are cuttin' a
hole in yourselves
for them to stick in
a red hot umbrella
and open it. Wide.
You wanna live in
this lousy world?
You play it cool.
I wanna get even!
Get cool!
I wanna bust!
Bust cool!
I wanna go!
Go cool!
Boy, boy, crazy boy
Get cool, boy
Got a rocket in your pocket
Keep cooly cool boy
Don't get hot
'Cause man you got
Some high times ahead
Take it slow
And Daddy-o
You can live it up
and die in bed
Boy, boy, crazy boy
Stay loose, boy
Breeze it
Buzz it
Easy does it
Turn off the juice, boy
Go man, go
But not like a
yo-yo school boy
Just play it cool, boy
Real cool
Boy, boy, crazy boy
Stay loose, boy
Breeze it
Buzz it
Easy does it
Turn off the juice, boy
Just play it cool, boy
Real cool
One Hand, One Heart
TONY: (Spoken) I, Anton, take thee, Maria . . .
MARIA: (Spoken) I, Maria, take thee, Anton . . .
TONY: For richer, for poorer . . .
MARIA: In sickness and in health . . .
TONY: To love and to honor . . .
MARIA: To hold and to keep . . .
TONY: From each sun to each moon . . .
MARIA: From tomorrow to tomorrow . . .
TONY: From now to forever . . .
MARIA: Till death do us part.
TONY: With this ring, I thee wed.
MARIA: With this ring, I thee wed.
TONY (Sings)
Make of our hands one hand,
Make of our hearts one heart,
Make of our vows one last vow:
Only death will part us now.
Make of our lives one life,
Day after day, one life.
Now it begins, now we start One hand, one heart;
Even death won't part us now.
Make of our lives one life,
Day after day, one life.
Now it begins, now we start
One hand, one heart,
Even death won't part us now.
I Feel Pretty
I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and gay
And I pity
Any girl who isn't me today
I feel charming
Oh so charming
It's alarming how charming I feel
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I'm real
See the pretty girl in that mirror there?
Who can that attractive girl be?
Such a pretty face
Such a pretty dress
Such a pretty smile
Such a pretty me!
I feel stunning
And entrancing
Feel like running
And dancing for joy
For I'm loved
By a pretty wonderful boy
Have you met my good friend Maria
The craziest girl on the block?
You'll know her the minute you see her
She's the one who is in an advanced state of shock
She thinks she's in love
She thinks she's in Spain
She isn't in love
She's merely insane
It must be the heat
Or some rare disease
Or too much to eat
Or maybe it's fleas
Keep away from her
Send for Chino
This is not the Maria we know
Modest and pure
Polite and refined
Well-bred and mature
And out of her mind!
Miss America, Miss America, speech!
Miss America, bravo, speech!
I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
That the city should give me its key
A committee
Should be organized to honour me
I feel dizzy
I feel sunny
I feel fizzy and funny and fine
And so pretty
Miss America can just resign
See the pretty girl in that mirror there
(What mirror, where?)
Who can that attractive girl be?
(Which, what, where, whom?)
Such a pretty face
Such a pretty dress
Such a pretty smile
Such a pretty me!
I feel stunning
And entrancing
Feel like running and dancing for joy
For I'm loved
By a pretty wonderful boy
There's a place for us, Somewhere a place for us.
Peace and quiet and open air
Wait for us
There's a time for us, Some day a time for us,
Time together with time to spare,
Time to look, time to care,
Some day!
We'll find a new way of living,
We'll find a way of forgiving
Somewhere . . .
There's a place for us,
A time and place for us.
Hold my hand and we're halfway there.
Hold my hand and I'll take you there
Some day,
I Have a Love
A boy like that who'd kill your brother, Forget that boy and find another,
One of your own kind,
Stick to your own kind!
A boy like that will give you sorrow,
You'll meet another boy tomorrow,
One of your own kind,
Stick to your own kind!
A boy who kills cannot love,
A boy who kills has no heart.
And he's the boy who gets your love
And gets your heart.
Very smart, Maria, very smart!
A boy like that wants one thing only,
And when he's done, he'll leave you lonely.
He'll murder your love;
He murdered mine.
Just wait and see,
Just wait, Maria,
Just wait and see!
Oh no, Anita, no,
Anita, no!
It isn't true, not for me,
It's true for you, not for me.
I hear your words
And in my head
I know they're smart,
But my heart, Anita,
But my heart
Knows they're wrong
And my heart
Is too strong, For I belong
To him alone, to him alone.
One thing I know:
I am his,
I don't care what he is.
I don't know why it's so, I don't want to know.
A boy like that, etc. Very smart Maria, very smart!
Oh no, Anita, no,
You should know better!
You were in love - or so you said.
You should know better . . .
I have a love, and it's all that I have. Right or wrong, what else can I do?
I love him; I'm his,
And everything he is
I am, too.
I have a love, and it's all that I need, Right or wrong, and he needs me, too.
I love him, we're one;
There's nothing to be done,
Not a thing I can do
But hold him, hold him forever,
Be with him now, tomorrow
And all of my life!
When love comes so strong,
There is no right or wrong,
Your love is your life.
Wat kun je winnen?
1ste prijs: twee tickets voor Walibi
2de en 3de prijs: verrassings-prijzenpakket